Practical testing …
As we already mentioned in the Homematic CCU2 Test, many Homematic products can be used as standalone devices. It would not be necessary to purchase a Homematic control unit, but it makes the setup and administration of the Smarthome devices much easier. Some Homematic devices can even be connected to each other without a central control unit, but we still clearly recommend the use of a Homematic control unit to allow for more versatile functions.
Homematic wireless door-window sensor initial setup …
The initial setup of the Homematic wireless door-window sensor is very easy. All you need is the Config button in the window sensor cover, which is used to connect the sensor to the control unit. Via the control unit or an app the sensor is then interrogated by radio.
Teach the wireless door-window sensor to the Homematic control unit …
The training of the wireless door-window sensors to the CCU2 or CCU3 control unit is done quickly. How this works exactly, we have explained in this small Homematic Window-Door Contact Teaching Tutorial.
Create wireless door-window sensor program …
How to create programs for the sensor, we have explained in this small Homematic Door-Window Sensor Programs Tutorial.
In the program we can then query the wireless door-window sensor and output for example on the Homematic E-Paper Display or the Homematic OLED Display whether all windows and doors are closed or which one is still open.
It would also be possible to request that a signal sounds or a message is sent to the smartphone as soon as you leave the house or apartment with open windows.
Create a thermostat program and link it with Window Sensor …
Last but not least, in combination with the Homematic radiator thermostat even an additional direct connection from the window sensor to the radiator thermostat is possible. In this case the radiator thermostat automatically adjusts the heating or the radiator when the window is open until the window is closed again.
How to connect a window sensor to the thermostat and how to create programs for the thermostat, we have explained in this small Homematic Thermostat Programs Tutorial.
But there are many more possible applications for this small Homematic sensor!
Post detector by using Window Sensor …
Slightly modified and cleverly attached, it can even be used to determine whether the mailbox has been opened. All you have to do is put the reflex light barrier out a little. A manual for the modified Homematic sensor for mail detection in the mailbox with mail dispatch follows as always in the Funkyhome.de building instructions 😉
Integrate the doorbell into the central unit by means of a window sensor …
You can also use this small Homematic Window Sensor for other purposes by bridging the light barrier of the Homematic Window Sensor and then connecting for example the doorbell to the Window Sensor with a two-pole wire. This way you can also get a mail as soon as someone rings the doorbell or even start another handicraft project, which we will also present soon on Funkyhome.de 😉
So there are still some interesting projects to tinker on Funkyhome.de and we are looking forward to a lot of feedback in the Smarthome Forum.
Theoretically you could also query the knob on the toilet door, which would light up a WC busy signal – just a little suggestion for further handicraft projects 😉
And you can even query the window sensor state via app.
Request the homematic wireless door-window sensor via an app …
Another possibility is (as already described in the Homematic CCU2 Test) to operate the Homematic devices via third party programs or apps. The Tinymatic App is initially free of charge in the Google Play Store and must be unlocked after a few accesses with a Tinymatic Unlocker for a few cents. You can then also use it to query the Homematic wireless window-door-door-window sensor.
Thus one knows also from on the way that one closed all windows and doors.
In one of the upcoming tutorials we will show you how to secure your network despite XML-API and how you can set up secure remote access via VPN on Funky Home.
In many more Homematic Tutorials we will gradually provide tips and tricks for intelligent home automation in your own house or apartment and show more application examples for the Homematic Door-Window Sensor. Let’s now come to the conclusion of the Homematic wireless door-window sensor.
Homematic Wireless Door-Window Sensor Result and general impression …