Anker Solix Solarbank 2 E1600 Plus with Shelly 3EM Guide

Result and general impression …

Anker Solix has managed to integrate the Shelly 3EM into the Anker app!

How the connection between Anker Solix Solarbank 2 E1600 Plus and Anker Solix Solarbank 2 E1600 Pro with the Shelly 3EM or Shelly Pro 3EM works, we have shown and explained step by step in this Anker Solix Solarbank 2 with Shelly 3EM guide.

Even if the connection is still a little bumpy despite the latest firmware updates, we are confident that Anker will soon be able to enable communication between the smart meter and the power station. This will enable economical operation of the Solarbank 2, which only feeds in what is really needed without wasting power from the battery.

Edit 16.09.2024: In the meantime, we have found out that it works with the current firmware if you deactivate (the highly recommended) “Restrict login” in Shelly 3EM (in the Shelly app under Shelly 3EM on Networks -> Restrict login -> Remove check mark when switching on -> Save).

If you enable Restrict login again, the last previously transmitted power will be transmitted. As soon as you then remove the Shelly 3EM and add it again, communication between the 3EM and the E1600 is immediately stopped with error code 32 and the self-consumption mode is automatically switched to user-defined mode. This is despite the fact that the power is displayed correctly in the app despite the login restrictions. So in our opinion it is still down to the firmware.

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