Result and general impression …
The Ring Video Doorbell Pro with Ring Chime are excellently manufactured and already enable some functions such as motion zones including motion schedule, which one misses even with some surveillance cameras.
The Ring Video Doorbell Pro set consists not only of the WLAN Doorbell and the WLAN Door chime, which is no larger than a plug-in power supply, but also of a DIN rail power supply, all mounting materials up to the drill and dowels as well as changeable front panels for the Ring Doorbell in different colors.
In our Ring Doorbell installation guide, we have shown that Ring has given a lot of thought to the easy-to-understand installation in advance, so that this succeeds without any problems. Here and there we could still find possibilities for improvement, but overall we are very satisfied with the assembly and installation.
For daily operation, however, we would have liked to see external query options, e.g. via rtsp stream and adjustable resolution or changeable compression, in order to reduce the data rate and thus increase the speed if necessary.
A MicroSD card cannot be retrofitted, by the way. Also, no local recording is available without an Internet connection, because the Ring Video Doorbell Pro is a pure cloud solution via a closed video system and must be connected to the Internet continuously, even if you only want to use it locally! However, this is exactly where we see problems for users who grew up before the cloud generation and are worried about their data. One learns almost nothing about the cloud servers used, only checking the IP addresses of the IoT devices gives clarity about the servers used by the Amazon subsidiary. In addition, extensive use requires monthly fees of currently 3 Euro or 10 Euro, for example, if you want to watch recorded video events later. Finally, Amazon wants to be paid for the necessary cloud storage. Although an IFTTT integration is also possible, for example to control Philips Hue lamps via the Ring Doorbell or a movement in front of it, an integration into other smarthome systems such as Homematic & Co. is not quite as simple. So it’s best to look at all the features in our Ring Doorbell review before buying and consider whether the monthly cost suits you and these features are enough. We also hope that Ring will take our security concerns mentioned in the test to heart and at least introduce a password prompt for shared videos.
Tip: Before using and installing a surveillance camera outdoors, you should definitely inform yourself about the respective legal regulations.
Overall, we still find the Ring product absolutely innovative and award the Ring Video Doorbell Pro the first Funkyhome.de Innovation Award!
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