Window contact as doorbell detector Result and general impression …
We hope the extensive window contact radio bell building instructions has made fun and animated to rebuild 🙂
In any case, we had a lot of fun making it again and the result is pretty good. We receive when ringing immediately a mail, which we see via IMAP really immediately and hear directly with a separate ringtone. In addition, we achieve via the modified Homematic window contact a visual signal by means of Homematic switch actuator and / or an acoustic signal by means of the Garden Quarkbox, which we will soon still present.
And the best for the end, because the cost of the Homematic Window contact *Ad, which we recently had tested here, is available as a kit including battery at just about 20 Euro or as a finished module at about 30 Euro and can be wonderfully integrated into the existing Homematic CCU2 Central. By the way, the battery lasts for a good 2 years depending on the conditions.
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Here you can buy the Homematic window sensor at a reasonable price. *Ad
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