Misc Guides

Here are other Funkyhome.de guidances around Smarthome products.

Homematic Wireless Doorbell Detector Guide

Who hasn’t experienced the problem of being in the garden or in the basement for a short while and then the mailman or parcel delivery person rings the doorbell. It would be helpful to receive an immediate message or email on your smartphone. But maybe you just want to integrate the doorbell into your smart home, so that a light flashes or a sound is emitted when the doorbell rings. Even if there is now even an official Homematic IP … Continue reading

Amazon Echo Dot 3 Installation Guide

For the just tested Amazon Echo Dot 3 we have written an Echo Dot installation guide. We show step by step how to set up the smart Amazon Echo Dot 3 Multiroom speaker in the Amazon Alexa app and how to perform an Amazon Echo Dot 3 reset.